Stages of Short Haircut Regret
The stages of your short haircut regret listed here can show you how you will feel after getting that short haircut. Read before you get that short hair cut or trim and end up regretting every inch you have cut. You can always go shorter, but it is much harder to grow back missing length. Start out with just a trim and gradually modify as needed. Besides if you get your hair cut too short it damage your confidence. So stay confident and take it easy on cutting your hair so short. The last thing you want is short haircut regret. If you regret your haircut or you regret how short your haircut is, read these stages that you be feeling after you regret your short haircut.
“I’m bored of my long hair”
1. This is the stage where women start to fantasize about what life would be like with short hair. Or how it would feel to cut their hair short. For most women, the curiosity stops here.
“Maybe I should solicit guidance from trusted short haired female sources”
2. Some women will take their curiosity a step farther and seek out the opinions of her short haired friends, family, and coworkers. This is usually the catalyst for why women end up cutting their hair short. Women are social creatures and they value the acceptance of others. They also enjoy the attention that comes with a change.
“I’m just going to go for it, my hair will always grow back”
3. The delusional stage. Usually once she gets here there is only a slight chance she will turn back. Her adrenaline is pumping and she’s so excited for the new her. The hairdresser is usually a mild sadist. Some will ask if the woman is sure, others will just chop it off heartlessly. Usually she loves her short hair and rocks it hard in the coming days.
“What have I done?”
4. Poor girl, you just cut of all your long hair two weeks ago, now you’ve already started dreaming of the next time you have long pretty hair. Sadly this will take years.
Don’t worry there is life after regretting a short haircut!
Believe it or not you can still grow it back out and even long. Just don’t go in for trims as often or avoid it all together, so you won’t have to avoid regretting cutting your hair short ever agin.