Your Ideal Hair According To Your Horoscope
Aries (March 21-April 19) you are a self starter you are not afraid of the spotlight and your hair is no exception. For Aries their hair could be described as bold. Think bright red or cutting edge style. They don’t seem to have a length profile as long as it grabs attention.
Taurus (April 20-may 19) you are traditional and don’t often deviate outside the social norm. The hair word that best describes a Taurus would be sensual. Think long, wavy layered hair.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) you are unconventional and noncommittal. Your hair style could best be described as eccentric. Think of the girl who has a different hairstyle each time you see her. Usually they have short hair.
Cancer (June 21-July 21) you are classic and feminine. The hair style that best describes you would be ethereal. Think long, loose, tasseled, naturally colored hair. Oftentimes accompanied with bangs to hide behind when shy. This sign will usually have long hair as long as they can manage it.
Leo (July 22-August 21) you are attention seeking and highly invested in your image, particularly when it comes to your mane which is also a Leo’s hair word. Think big, glam golden curls a la Jennifer Lopez or Madonna. You use your hair to stand out and you rock it. Usually this sign is associated with well kept medium to long hair.
Virgo (August 22-September 21) you are quite a youthful sign heavily tied to what you know to work best. The word I’d use to describe a Virgo’s hair would be quite angelic. Think of a young, naive girl too afraid to change her trusted and true hair style. Often they won’t change much, and why would they? They understand what works for them. Think of medium length, basic all one length cuts.
Libra (September 22-October 21) you are polished and put together. The hair word to best describe libra would actually be a two word hyphenate, fashion-forward. Think of a sleek, subtly highlighted ‘do. Usually not heavily layered. They stick to clean, fashionable lines such as the bob or slightly below the shoulders. Their hair is always immaculate with no split ends.
Scorpio (October 22-November 21) you are dark and edgy. Someone who doesn’t care what society thinks of them and their hair. They may be in fact more prone to rebel against the status quo. The hair word for Scorpio would be unrefined. Think of the emo girl in high school with incongruous locks and super short bangs. They wouldn’t be opposed to trying out a pixie cut or a disheveled mullet. Generally they don’t allow their hair to get much longer than their shoulders.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) you are open to new experiences within all areas of your life. Your hair reflects that in that you aren’t afraid to try new things such as dreadlocks, perms, braids, or even shaved off completely a la Britney Spears or Sinead O’connor. The hair adjective here is daring. Their hair could oscillate between non-existent to longest hair ever.
Capricorn (December 22-January 20) you are a determined and competitive individual in all aspects of life. Your hair should take the lowest amount of care while still looking it’s best so you can use your time to focus on other things. The hair word for Capricorn would be utilitarian. Their hair is very clean, neat, low maintenance and above all professional. Think natural colors and completely non offensive. These gals stick to short-medium length hair, long if it is well groomed and naturally colored.
Aquarius (January 21-February 18) you are a non conformist you’re more concerned with saving the world than worrying about your hair. The key word for your hair here is grunge. You may go weeks without shampooing and if you do dye your hair (using ethically sourced vegan products mind you) you tend to have months of root growth in between. You’re not too tied to your hair and aren’t afraid to change it on a whim.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) you are indecisive and chameleon like in your abilities to find a place for yourself wherever you are. A Pisces is a product of their environment and thus their hair word is fluid. If your partner likes short and black when you’re long and blonde it’s absolutely no issue for you at all to make that change. They aren’t known to be too bold on their own but are willing to try new things if convinced by a respected person in their life. Their hair will usually be medium-long but they’d try anything once if they feel supported.