Short hair is almost like a scourge on everyone who has it. And like much of ones’ 20’s and teen years they are times we would like to forget. Why is it that short hair above all else is an indicator is a less than sane mind? It certainly sends a shiver down my spine when I’m lurking on a cute girl’s Instagram or Facebook and I see that she has had short hair at one point and continues to display this mistake to the world rather than quietly delete them after enough time has elapsed. It truly makes me question a woman’s judgement if she feels unapologetic about making such a genius mistake and owning it rather than feeling ashamed.
It really makes you think. Is short hair one of the inexcusable mistakes a young woman could make? Could it possibly be an indicator of a deeper character flaw. Is it in the same leagues as a gang bang or a fleeting career in sex work? All research points to the affirmative much to the chagrin of our readers. Yes ladies, short hair is seen as an equivalent crime as sex work, public nudes, mental illness, or even a gang bang. Perhaps this is something important to consider before chopping it off. Realize and take in many years of tested theories don’t necessarily care about your feelings.
Short haired women should realize the image they are projecting. Their personal brand is suffering irreparable damage by trying to ignore major mistakes they’ve made in life.